Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aristotle on Virtue

What are virtues?

Distinction intellectual and moral virtues:
Intellectual: sophia and phronesis, understanding
Moral: e.g. self-control, courage, generosity, etc.

- Moral Virtues exist not by nature - but are formed by habit:
“Hence it is no small matter whether one habit or another is inculcated in us from early childhood; on the contrary, it makes a considerable difference, or, rather all the difference.” (1103b 25)

- Aiming at the mean:
Excess and deficiency destroys virtue (analogy strength)
Mean = relative to us
Median cannot simply be put as an arithmetical relation

- Mark of virtue:
Doing the right thing, at a right time, towards the right person, for the right reason, in the right manner.
“bad men have many ways, good men but one.” (1106b 35)

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